I like to interview people and set the questions prior to the session. Lately I really have a lot of questions would like to pose to certain people that I met and I think this interview just a self-answered interview in my mind, or, just a monologue.
But at the end of the day, I feel lost and asking why do I need to find out the answers and exhausted myself.
●Why do you always want to take the path of least resistance and take your colleague for granted?
●Have you ever felt shameful for yourself for being purposely ignorant while you should keep an eagle eye on the current news?
●Why do I need to give you a special treatment for assignment arrangement just because you dropped your reporter pass into toilet bowl?
●Do you really think I am amplifying your mistakes just to wrong you or you just thought that I am obsessed to perfectionism? Your articles are ill written and you have misquoted the speakers, mistaken the word meaning, this is all about accuracy of reporting and not fault-finding!
●Did you realize that my advice for you to improve your language has gone into your deafening ears for 2 years?
●Have you really think of you have been in an awkward position where you should be doing something fit into your post title?
●Why do you want to be a perfunctory editor and compromise the quality of work just because you want to back home earlier everyday?
●How many years have you been in this industry for you to brush up your language and to realize that you are writing a mediocre work?
●Do you know what is TIME MANAGEMENT which is crucially important for a journalist to meet the deadline and finish your commentary in timely manner?
●Am I wrong just because too stringent while I am editing news?
●Why you don’t even bother to verify the facts via Googling when time permitting but you want to mislead the readers in stead?
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